Monday, November 30, 2009

"Think Snow"

"And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right." - 2 Thessalonains 3:13

With the Snow Elementary School Project coming up, the need for prayer as well as the kinds of prayer needed should be clear.  It is a big, intimidating project, but we trust the Lord will help us to bring it to a successful conclusion.  May the Lord also allow us to develop some new, long term relationships.

We're in the midst of preparing a plan with Morning Star Church to help Snow Elementary renovate their school garden.  We will help them build an arbor, fix their planter boxes, do some weeding, among many other things.  Please pray that we will have a well-planned/coordinated project, that we will bring glory to God's name, and this will open up further doors for God's love in the neighborhood.

Please pray that amid all the ways we are serving the community, that people will come to Christ someway, somehow.

Please pray for all those who are applying for college.

Pray for the Christmas Shoe-Box movements and that our kids will have active involvements.  Pray for the planning meeting of the Christmas Game fair for the kids.


Pray for this year's new deacons candidates, Ricky Chen, Billy Chang, Thomas Yu, Daniel Lee, for re-elect, Richard Lee for new elect. Pray that they will have the heart and committment to serve the Lord by attending the HOC6 Deacon board.

We are offering kids programs during the time when Mandarin adult Sunday School is going on from about 9:45 am to 10:45 am. Esther Lai is the main teacher now. Pray that we will have other coworkers to help this new task.

The kids of the Sunday Class for the 5th to 6th graders are enjoying the wonderful teachings by teacher Sidney Yen, Give thanks to the Lord for Sidney's skillful teaching,  the time he put on teaching this class, and his love for our kids!

Pray for Cherrie Hall, a non-believer who wants to know Christ but suffers from mental distress. May God have mercy on her. She went back to China yesterday to seek for medical help.



In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,


Friday, November 27, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving Potluck Pictures- 11/22/09

Please click the following link to enjoy our 52 pictures.

Thanksgiving Potluck

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hearty Harvest Delivery

Hi everyone!
Thank you so much for everyone who came out to pack the Hearty Harvest canned items into the bags.  I'm so glad the event was so successful!  75 meals to the needest Tri-City area families!  Praise God!  See the listing below to which agencies we're being a witness to through Compassion Network!
The Harvest still needs hands:
The delivery of these 75 meals to the Compassion Network Office, 39155 Liberty St., #D450, in Fremont between 9:00-10:30 am Monday, Nov. 23.  It's first thing in the morning. I need 2-3 volunteers who have a flexible schedule that morning to drive it over.
Please respond asap, so that I can let Christine at Compassion Network know!
A listing of the agencies that Compassion Network has partnered with to identify the neediest families in the Tri-City area to provide meals to.
-Pro-Net-serving unemployed professionals
-Abode-homeless/transitional housing
-Pregnancy Choices Clinic
-Pizza Patio-Thanksgiving day dining program
-Compassion Network-families gathered from current caseloads and struggling
families in CityServe congregations
-Fremont Healthy Start-serving low income clients
-City of Fremont Case Managers-struggling families
-Herald Family Rebuilding Center-Serving Asian Families in Crisis
-Family Paths-Family Counseling services
-CHAA-Community Health for Asian Americans-Psychological services.
-DCARA-Deaf, Counseling, Advocacy and Referral Agency-service for people who
are hearing impaired
-Aging and Family Services- City of Fremont Senior Services
-Youth and Family Services- Counseling, Support Groups and workshops
-SAVE (safe alternatives to violent environments)-domestic violence
-Community Childcare Coordinating Council (4C's of Alameda County)-child
care information and referral/vouchers
-Newark Police Department referrals
-Afghan Coalition

Compassion Network
Family Resource Center ,
39155 Liberty St., #D450
Fremont , CA 94538

Office Hours : Monday - Friday 10 AM - 4 PM
Phone :(510) 796 – SERV(7378)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thoughtful Farmers

"I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.  So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.  The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor." - 1 Corinthians 3:6-7

And so it is that all of us have the opportunity to play a part in the Kingdom of God by doing one bit or another of the myriad things which are needed to bring people to Christ.  What is clear is that if we don't labor, there won't be any reward.  May God show us ways that we can be productively involved.  This prayer letter highligts the gardening project at Snow Elementary which we will be doing in conjunction with Morningstar Church.  It is a big project that we are taking on to try to build some bridges to the community so that we may have more opportunities to do the work that God has before us.  May we be diligent in planning and organizing.  Of course we are interested in a spiritual garden and a spiritual harvest, but the physical one should be a good reminder.  A view of the Snow Elementary School garden is below.


Praise God for answering our prayers regarding getting more connected with our neighborhood.  Snow Elementary has asked us to help them beautify their school garden -- and Morning Star Church (Newark) just happened to be interested in doing something in the neighborhood as well.  Please pray that we will have a well-planned/coordinated project, that we will bring glory to God's name, and this will open up further doors for God's love in the neighborhood.


Praise God that we have new people joining our Mustard Seed Prayer Network.  We're bringing in the new members very soon.  Please pray that we will help undergird the outreach efforts of the church effectively through prayer.

We are doing many things to outreach this holiday season.  In addition to the school garden, we are providing Thanksgiving groceries with the rest of the church, helping a local food pantry, helping with the Children's Christmas carnival.  Please pray that Christ's name will be lifted up in the midst of all the activity!

Pray for the Christmas Shoe-Box movements and that our kids will have active involvements.  Pray for the planning meeting of the Christmas Game fair for the kids.

There is now a Sunday School program going at the earlier time of 9:45 to 10:45 being taught by Esther Lai and Sidney Yen.  Give thanks for this.


Pray for this year's new deacons candidates, Ricky Chen, Billy Chang, Thomas Yu, Daniel Lee, for re-elect, Richard Lee for new elect. Pray that they will have the heart and committment to serve the Lord by attending the HOC6 Deacon board.

Continue pray for the Mandarin group worship team, which needs new members and piano player, pray to the Lord that we will establish a strong Worship team to lead our Sunday morning singing inspiration.

Praise the Lord that the CSS teacher's training session, totally 8 lessons, offered by Sharon Yen, started on October 17th. there are over 14 students. Give thanks to the Lord for teacher Sharon for her wonderful teaching.  Pray that all the students will be able to finish the training and get a certificate at the end.



In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,


Monday, November 2, 2009

Hearty Harvest

Hi everyone,

Our church is participating in the Hearty Harvest, a Compassion Network Thanksgiving project this year!  If you haven't heard the details yet, no worries! Here's some more background information!

Hearty Harvest is a Thanksgiving turkey dinner give away program that multiple congregations will join with 6 Agencies in the City Serve Family Resource Center to serve some of the neediest families in the Tri-City area.  Our church has pledged 75 sets of Thanksgiving meals to the Hearty Harvest project!

Each family's grocery bags should include the ingredients for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, i.e. a frozen turkey, stuffing/dressing, chicken broth, turkey gravy, mashed potatoes, canned veggies, gift card ($10) for perishable items and more listed in the attachment.

Please consider participating in one or all of the ways below:
- Pray for this multi-congregational project to serve needy families
- Sign-up to buy groceries as an individual or family (see sheet attached with a list of these items for the English Congregation goal of 20 meals.)
- Donate. Suggested minimum donation $40/family, $20/adult
- Grocery shopping together, Sat. Nov 14th, 10am at FoodMaxx / Smart & Final in Fremont or organize one with your fellowship group!
- Help bag groceries together on Sunday, Nov. 15th at 2pm at church

We're very excited for the opportunity to serve the community in this way.
Please prayerfully consider participating as we partner with Compassion Network for this Hearty Harvest project!


Sunday, November 1, 2009


"So if you consider me a partner, welcome him as you would welcome me.  If he has done you any wrong or owes you anything, charge it to me." - Philemon 1:17-18

Paul is giving instructions to Philemon to welcome his former, runaway slave, Onesimus (meaning helpful), as a brother in Christ.  Some things are hard when there is a history of hurt.  Welcoming others is something that seems quite easy, but in fact is at times a science requiring great wisdom.  One of our prayer requests this week is with regard to our welcoming team.  May God send the right people here with the gift of reaching out to others, and may he grant all of us wisdom as we meet and welcome others. 

Below, a welcoming Marmot at Donner Pass.


We are trying to start a consistent welcoming team ministry for our Sunday Worship.  Please pray that God will help us form this team.


Brian and Elaine had a good meeting with the principal of Snow Elementary.  There are some resulting opportunities that we are considering and will be following up on, so pray that God's hand will continue to lead us and that He will give us ideas on how to proceed.

We are asking a few members to join our Mustard Seed Prayer Network, an online outreach prayer meeting.  Please pray that this small prayer movement will grow.

Please pray for our church as people pray about their Mission Fund pledges this year.

Our whole church will be providing 75 families with groceries for Thanksgiving this year.  This will help feed people during a difficult time of the year and also help them experience the love of Christ.  Please pray that we will all rise up to the task and either shop or donate!


Both the Mandarin and Cantonese congregations are organizing an intermediate level 357 Training class for the small groups.  Pray that God will continue to bring in those who have a heart to lead others in the knowledge of our Savior, and may this be a productive training time.

Praise the Lord that the CSS teacher's training session, totally 8 lessons, offered by Sharon Yen, started on October 17th. there are over 14 students. Give thanks to the Lord for teacher Sharon for her wonderful teaching. 

Please pray for those who are weak in spirit, poor in physical health and facing financial difficulty.

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,