They came into the village with machetes, hacking and burning houses, schools, churches and businesses. When it was all done, a few dozen Christians were dead, and 10,000 left homeless. It all started when a respected Hindu teacher was murdered. The Maoists claimed responsibility, but someone blamed the Christians and there was a lot of anger against the much smaller Christian community, so the mob went crazy and their were too few police.
A BBC jounalist returned to Orissa, India recently to see how things were progressing since these events of last fall. The Christians - who are also distinguished by ethnicity and caste - live in refugee camps, prohibited from having jobs or sending their children to school. It is rumored that a local village will fine any Hindu caught talking to a Christian. A verse that comes to mind regarding this is:
"To the angel of the church in Smyna write: These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. I know your afflictions and your poverty - yet you are rich! I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life." - Revelation 2:8-10
The BBC report has this quote: "Many Christians in Kandhamal say prayer is all they have left". Pray for the Christians in Orissa, that God will comfort them and provide for them, while holding them firmly in His hand. Also pray for their Hindu neighbors, that they would reconcile with the Christians and that God would open their hearts to His salvation which only comes through Jesus.
Thanks for praying for our outreach efforts. We're starting the "Mustard Seed Prayer Network", which is a weekly micro virtual prayer meeting on Skype. We will have a laser-sharp focus on praying for our non-Christian friends/family and on praying for our church's outreach. Please keep praying that our church will grow heart and action to reach non-Christians!
Praise God we have at least one-third of our congregation "Practicing Resurrection" for 40 days. This is some sort of habit that brings New Creation-style life, love, joy, freedom into our own lives or someone else's. Please pray that this will continue be a spiritually meaningful practice to helps us enter into the resurrection life.
Praise God for those who've been applying for our Taiwan and Mexico summer mission teams. Please pray that God will lead us in interviewing and preparing them. And pray that God will be preparing them as well.
Please pray for all our members (English, Cantonese and Mandarin congregations) who've been laid off and who are facing difficult financial circumstances. Pray for faith and for provision.
We will have the first service in the new building this Sunday. Pray that God will help those who are working to finish up everything. Give thanks to Him for our blessings.
357 Training: The intermediate class will finish in July. Pray that God will prepare new students for the new class, and the God's wisdom and guidance will be with the training.
The Cantonese congregation is planning an evangelistic meeting / Cantonese opera for July 11th. Pray for the preparations for this meeting. The San Leandro church opera team will be conducting this, while two from the Mandarin service will help. May the Lord also prepare hearts for this.
Pray for the Taiwan and Mexico summer mission trips. The preparation will move to interviewing and preparing those who will attend soon, so pray for God's help in this.
We will begin having some joint childrens Sunday school classes this Sunday. Pray that this will go smoothly as the coworkers from the different congregations begin working together and that they would have wisdom in teaching the children.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,