Sunday, December 20, 2009

New Year Hike

Hello Everyone,
What: New Year Hike.

Location: Sunol Park, parking to the left just past the entrance gate.
Start Time:  9:00am
Parking Fee:  $5
Who to bring:  Friends, relatives, dogs.

This is an invitation to join our annual New Year Hike.  
We will be doing this in Sunol Park this year which is near Fremont, but not too familiar to most people.  

The park should be scenic and green this time of year, while the trail is almost flat and easy to walk.  We might have a chance to see some wild turkeys and deer.

Snow School Gardening Project

Praise God for the very successful completion of our garden renovation project at Snow Elementary.  The teachers were very happy with the work that we did.  Please pray that we will be able to continue building this relationship with the school.  We are thinking about more service projects.  But we are also looking into asking the school if we can start a Kid's Club -- which is an after-school Bible-based character development class.


As Christmas approaches, we are encouraging everyone to join the Advent Conspiracy, recovering the subversive but life-giving celebration of Christ's birth.  Please pray that we will WORSHIP Christ more fully, SPEND less on gifts, GIVE more relational/meaningful gifts, LOVE all by giving to those in need.

Please pray for all those who are applying for college and those who are dealing with job or financial uncertainty.

Thanks to the Lord that the Christmas Game Fair on 12/12 was held successfully. There were over 65 kids and a lot of them from the neighborhood.

For the Church's general funds, there is deficit of 24,302.83 $ for the first three quarters, let's put our faith on our Lord that we will be able to close the gap.

Pray for the church wide cross-year prayer meeting on 12/31 evening, pray that there will lots of brothers and sisters show up.


Mandarin Congregation:  Continue pray for our worship team, which needs new members and piano player, pray to the Lord that we will establish a strong Worship team to lead our Sunday morning singing inspiration.

Cantonese Congregation:  We will have a special Christmas celebration on December 19 from 3 to 7 pm. Pray for the co-workers who are making the preparation and the non-believers who are coming to this event

Pray for the new teachers for the kids Sunday school for the next three month from 12/09 to 02/10, give thanks to the teachers for their faithful teaching from 09 to 11/2009.



In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Advent Conspiracy- Pastor Brian Hui

Weekly Devotional – 12.13.09

Less is more—that’s the idea from which the Christmas conspiracy to save mankind was hatched.  The king who came with less would rule better than the ones with more.  The one who was revealed to the ‘least of these’ would be later be known as the greatest.  The one who showed up to a few would one day be worshiped by all. 
But this idea is counter-intuitive.  Simple math tells us the opposite, that more is more.  The more you spend, the more it must be worth.  The more we receive, the more we must be worth.  It’s counter-intuitive, but it’s how God entered into humanity to bring salvation to us all.
There was a couple that was once asked how they celebrated Christmas since they each made millions of dollars every year.  And after smiling at each other, waiting for the other to speak, the wife finally shared that they’ve made it a rule that they can only spend $5 on each other during Christmas.  And while that might seem like a harsh limitation, they actually talked about how it made them look forward to Christmas that much more.  Because they knew their gifts, which were usually creative and quite personal, while costing no more than $5, would be worth much more than $5.  This couple who could afford to buy anything, longed for something more than what money alone could buy.
As you celebrate Christmas this year, how can less be more?  Spending less time shopping so that you can have more time to experience God?  Buying fewer gifts so that you focus on giving more meaningful, more relational gifts?  Spending less money on gifts so that you can give more of it away to those in real need?  A simpler Christmas can make a more worshipful Christmas.  A simpler Christmas can make a more meaningful and memorable Christmas.  How can less be more for you this Christmas?

  Pray slowly, meditating on the words as you do…
My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,  for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed,  for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name.  His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation.  He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.  He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.  He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty.  He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful to Abraham and his descendants forever, even as he said to our fathers.

-- Mary’s prayer, after the angel visits with news about Jesus (Luke 1:46-55)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Advent Devotional- Pastor Brian Hui

The Advent Conspiracy
Weekly Devotional – 12.06.09

An angel of the Lord appeared to [the shepherds] and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.  (Luke 2:9-11)

The Advent Conspiracy is, at its heart, an invitation to worship Jesus.  God sent his son, who would bring “great joy…for all the people.”  And this threatened the kings of the earth because while they promised joy based on coercion, power and material wealth, Jesus offered a better joy that was based on forgiveness, love and justice.  This is why the angels filled the sky with song; why shepherds  and wise men bowed down in worship.  This was the advent of a different kind of king.
But that can all get lost if all this just becomes a church program.  Or if it just becomes something that adds to Christmas more obligation, more stress and more guilt. 
We still encourage you to spend less on gifts because Christmas is about Christ, not consumerism.  We still encourage you give more relational gifts just like Jesus gave himself relationally to us.  We still encourage you to love all by donating what you saved by spending less—after all, Jesus came first to the poor.  BUT, these things have got to come out of our worship for Christ.  If we let these things overshadow our worship, then it’d be better that we didn’t do them at all.   Because if it’s just more guilt and more stress, then what’s the point?  Christ didn’t come bearing those things, he came bearing “good news of great joy.” 
So our encouragement is to focus first on worshiping Christ, and then let everything else flow from that.  Let your celebration of Christmas—the giving and receiving of gifts—be an expression of that worship.  In fact, take some time to worship Jesus right now, who left his divine privileges behind to be with to be the human embodiment of joy and salvation for us.

Pray, slowly meditating on the words as you do…
Christ Jesus, I praise you because you came selflessly, taking on human flesh, to show us the way.  Thank you for your loving sacrifice for me.  And for being a different kind of king.   Help me to experience real joy this Christmas season.  And please help me to find real peace as I carve out time to worship you.
Home of Christ Church in Newark
Faith. Community. Justice. Witness.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Teaching Jr. High at HOC3-12/04/09

Pleasc click the following link.

Teaching Jr. High at HOC3

Snow School Gardening Project-12/05/09

Please click the following link.

Snow School-12-05-09

Friday, December 4, 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

"Think Snow"

"And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right." - 2 Thessalonains 3:13

With the Snow Elementary School Project coming up, the need for prayer as well as the kinds of prayer needed should be clear.  It is a big, intimidating project, but we trust the Lord will help us to bring it to a successful conclusion.  May the Lord also allow us to develop some new, long term relationships.

We're in the midst of preparing a plan with Morning Star Church to help Snow Elementary renovate their school garden.  We will help them build an arbor, fix their planter boxes, do some weeding, among many other things.  Please pray that we will have a well-planned/coordinated project, that we will bring glory to God's name, and this will open up further doors for God's love in the neighborhood.

Please pray that amid all the ways we are serving the community, that people will come to Christ someway, somehow.

Please pray for all those who are applying for college.

Pray for the Christmas Shoe-Box movements and that our kids will have active involvements.  Pray for the planning meeting of the Christmas Game fair for the kids.


Pray for this year's new deacons candidates, Ricky Chen, Billy Chang, Thomas Yu, Daniel Lee, for re-elect, Richard Lee for new elect. Pray that they will have the heart and committment to serve the Lord by attending the HOC6 Deacon board.

We are offering kids programs during the time when Mandarin adult Sunday School is going on from about 9:45 am to 10:45 am. Esther Lai is the main teacher now. Pray that we will have other coworkers to help this new task.

The kids of the Sunday Class for the 5th to 6th graders are enjoying the wonderful teachings by teacher Sidney Yen, Give thanks to the Lord for Sidney's skillful teaching,  the time he put on teaching this class, and his love for our kids!

Pray for Cherrie Hall, a non-believer who wants to know Christ but suffers from mental distress. May God have mercy on her. She went back to China yesterday to seek for medical help.



In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,


Friday, November 27, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving Potluck Pictures- 11/22/09

Please click the following link to enjoy our 52 pictures.

Thanksgiving Potluck

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hearty Harvest Delivery

Hi everyone!
Thank you so much for everyone who came out to pack the Hearty Harvest canned items into the bags.  I'm so glad the event was so successful!  75 meals to the needest Tri-City area families!  Praise God!  See the listing below to which agencies we're being a witness to through Compassion Network!
The Harvest still needs hands:
The delivery of these 75 meals to the Compassion Network Office, 39155 Liberty St., #D450, in Fremont between 9:00-10:30 am Monday, Nov. 23.  It's first thing in the morning. I need 2-3 volunteers who have a flexible schedule that morning to drive it over.
Please respond asap, so that I can let Christine at Compassion Network know!
A listing of the agencies that Compassion Network has partnered with to identify the neediest families in the Tri-City area to provide meals to.
-Pro-Net-serving unemployed professionals
-Abode-homeless/transitional housing
-Pregnancy Choices Clinic
-Pizza Patio-Thanksgiving day dining program
-Compassion Network-families gathered from current caseloads and struggling
families in CityServe congregations
-Fremont Healthy Start-serving low income clients
-City of Fremont Case Managers-struggling families
-Herald Family Rebuilding Center-Serving Asian Families in Crisis
-Family Paths-Family Counseling services
-CHAA-Community Health for Asian Americans-Psychological services.
-DCARA-Deaf, Counseling, Advocacy and Referral Agency-service for people who
are hearing impaired
-Aging and Family Services- City of Fremont Senior Services
-Youth and Family Services- Counseling, Support Groups and workshops
-SAVE (safe alternatives to violent environments)-domestic violence
-Community Childcare Coordinating Council (4C's of Alameda County)-child
care information and referral/vouchers
-Newark Police Department referrals
-Afghan Coalition

Compassion Network
Family Resource Center ,
39155 Liberty St., #D450
Fremont , CA 94538

Office Hours : Monday - Friday 10 AM - 4 PM
Phone :(510) 796 – SERV(7378)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thoughtful Farmers

"I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.  So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.  The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor." - 1 Corinthians 3:6-7

And so it is that all of us have the opportunity to play a part in the Kingdom of God by doing one bit or another of the myriad things which are needed to bring people to Christ.  What is clear is that if we don't labor, there won't be any reward.  May God show us ways that we can be productively involved.  This prayer letter highligts the gardening project at Snow Elementary which we will be doing in conjunction with Morningstar Church.  It is a big project that we are taking on to try to build some bridges to the community so that we may have more opportunities to do the work that God has before us.  May we be diligent in planning and organizing.  Of course we are interested in a spiritual garden and a spiritual harvest, but the physical one should be a good reminder.  A view of the Snow Elementary School garden is below.


Praise God for answering our prayers regarding getting more connected with our neighborhood.  Snow Elementary has asked us to help them beautify their school garden -- and Morning Star Church (Newark) just happened to be interested in doing something in the neighborhood as well.  Please pray that we will have a well-planned/coordinated project, that we will bring glory to God's name, and this will open up further doors for God's love in the neighborhood.


Praise God that we have new people joining our Mustard Seed Prayer Network.  We're bringing in the new members very soon.  Please pray that we will help undergird the outreach efforts of the church effectively through prayer.

We are doing many things to outreach this holiday season.  In addition to the school garden, we are providing Thanksgiving groceries with the rest of the church, helping a local food pantry, helping with the Children's Christmas carnival.  Please pray that Christ's name will be lifted up in the midst of all the activity!

Pray for the Christmas Shoe-Box movements and that our kids will have active involvements.  Pray for the planning meeting of the Christmas Game fair for the kids.

There is now a Sunday School program going at the earlier time of 9:45 to 10:45 being taught by Esther Lai and Sidney Yen.  Give thanks for this.


Pray for this year's new deacons candidates, Ricky Chen, Billy Chang, Thomas Yu, Daniel Lee, for re-elect, Richard Lee for new elect. Pray that they will have the heart and committment to serve the Lord by attending the HOC6 Deacon board.

Continue pray for the Mandarin group worship team, which needs new members and piano player, pray to the Lord that we will establish a strong Worship team to lead our Sunday morning singing inspiration.

Praise the Lord that the CSS teacher's training session, totally 8 lessons, offered by Sharon Yen, started on October 17th. there are over 14 students. Give thanks to the Lord for teacher Sharon for her wonderful teaching.  Pray that all the students will be able to finish the training and get a certificate at the end.



In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,


Monday, November 2, 2009

Hearty Harvest

Hi everyone,

Our church is participating in the Hearty Harvest, a Compassion Network Thanksgiving project this year!  If you haven't heard the details yet, no worries! Here's some more background information!

Hearty Harvest is a Thanksgiving turkey dinner give away program that multiple congregations will join with 6 Agencies in the City Serve Family Resource Center to serve some of the neediest families in the Tri-City area.  Our church has pledged 75 sets of Thanksgiving meals to the Hearty Harvest project!

Each family's grocery bags should include the ingredients for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, i.e. a frozen turkey, stuffing/dressing, chicken broth, turkey gravy, mashed potatoes, canned veggies, gift card ($10) for perishable items and more listed in the attachment.

Please consider participating in one or all of the ways below:
- Pray for this multi-congregational project to serve needy families
- Sign-up to buy groceries as an individual or family (see sheet attached with a list of these items for the English Congregation goal of 20 meals.)
- Donate. Suggested minimum donation $40/family, $20/adult
- Grocery shopping together, Sat. Nov 14th, 10am at FoodMaxx / Smart & Final in Fremont or organize one with your fellowship group!
- Help bag groceries together on Sunday, Nov. 15th at 2pm at church

We're very excited for the opportunity to serve the community in this way.
Please prayerfully consider participating as we partner with Compassion Network for this Hearty Harvest project!


Sunday, November 1, 2009


"So if you consider me a partner, welcome him as you would welcome me.  If he has done you any wrong or owes you anything, charge it to me." - Philemon 1:17-18

Paul is giving instructions to Philemon to welcome his former, runaway slave, Onesimus (meaning helpful), as a brother in Christ.  Some things are hard when there is a history of hurt.  Welcoming others is something that seems quite easy, but in fact is at times a science requiring great wisdom.  One of our prayer requests this week is with regard to our welcoming team.  May God send the right people here with the gift of reaching out to others, and may he grant all of us wisdom as we meet and welcome others. 

Below, a welcoming Marmot at Donner Pass.


We are trying to start a consistent welcoming team ministry for our Sunday Worship.  Please pray that God will help us form this team.


Brian and Elaine had a good meeting with the principal of Snow Elementary.  There are some resulting opportunities that we are considering and will be following up on, so pray that God's hand will continue to lead us and that He will give us ideas on how to proceed.

We are asking a few members to join our Mustard Seed Prayer Network, an online outreach prayer meeting.  Please pray that this small prayer movement will grow.

Please pray for our church as people pray about their Mission Fund pledges this year.

Our whole church will be providing 75 families with groceries for Thanksgiving this year.  This will help feed people during a difficult time of the year and also help them experience the love of Christ.  Please pray that we will all rise up to the task and either shop or donate!


Both the Mandarin and Cantonese congregations are organizing an intermediate level 357 Training class for the small groups.  Pray that God will continue to bring in those who have a heart to lead others in the knowledge of our Savior, and may this be a productive training time.

Praise the Lord that the CSS teacher's training session, totally 8 lessons, offered by Sharon Yen, started on October 17th. there are over 14 students. Give thanks to the Lord for teacher Sharon for her wonderful teaching. 

Please pray for those who are weak in spirit, poor in physical health and facing financial difficulty.

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mrs. Flores Project-10/24/09

Charity job complete ...

We destroyed and removed an old rotting shed along with many other chores.

This resulted in a lot of newly homeless lizards. The heart of one young man melted as we came across this adorable little one, so he decided to adopt it.
Most of the time you simply can't get in and out of a project and go back to your old life without any changes.

New relationships are established which simply must be furthered. In this instance, the widow's face lit up as we were there working and we were disappointed as other commitments forced us to leave.

Then there are the relationships formed with new people we meet in the process of completing the project. Each volunteer sees or
knows something that the others don't, so we endlessly learn from one another.

The projects are invariably as much of a benefit to the volunteers who give their time and resources as for the recipients.

A gentleman from the City of Fremont came over to see how our project was progressing and take some pictures. We were very much appreciative of the Make A Difference Day as well as Compassion Network for making this happen.

Iron Chef Picutres-10/23/09

Please click the following photo album to enjoy the 136 pictures.

HOC6 Iron Chef

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Gory Glory

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: To look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." - James 1:27
This is a wonderful verse, but involves a lot. Perhaps some simply take the first half - "look after orphans and widows in their distress" - while ignoring the second half - "keep oneself from being polluted by the world". Others may put their energy in the second half while ignoring the first. Is one of those better than the other? How about those of us who fail at both? Thankfully we are called to a higher standard. Today's message from Christine on service was a reminder that their are many opportunities out there for us. Below is a bit of mild gory as several of us helped weed at a widow's house during a drizzle. May we see more of the service needs around us.

Pray that our congregation would make a concerted effort both to be pure and holy through Jesus Christ, and to seek out opportunities to serve others around us who are truly needy.


We are looking for the next step in building a bridge into our neighborhood. We've made contact with the local elementary school principal. We also plan on a follow-up postcard to block party attendees. Please pray for guidance.
We are trying to start a consistent welcoming team ministry for our Sunday Worship. Please pray that God will help us form this team.
We are asking a few members to join our Mustard Seed Prayer Network, an online outreach prayer meeting. Please pray that this small prayer movement will grow.
Please pray for our church as people pray about their Mission Fund pledges this year.


Pray for the coming Mandarin Annual Mission Conference on 10/24 in our church, pray for the speaker Rev Chen Dao Ming, and the main coworkers Richard Lee and Li Fangfang.

Praise the Lord for bringing 11 new students for the first meeting of the 357 medium level training in Cantonese. This exceeds all of our expectation. May God provide strength and time for them to complete this 2 year training.



In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,


Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Flat Earth"

Hello Everyone,
Next week is the send off for Brent, and I know many of us will want to be there for that. Thus, we will skip our Friday night Bible Study next week.
I am sending this out early just to finish off something while my mind is fresh. We had a mention of the "flat earth" topic during our Bible Study Friday which many of us were taught in school when we were young, while others heard it informally. I made an assertion that what we were taught in school was wrong. It is not right to make such a statement without providing evidence, so I will include this afterwards for any of you who might be curious. It is a wonderful topic to me, but I know many others aren't so interested. Also, if you want to know what our kids are up against at the universities as they try to stay firm in their faith in Jesus Christ, some patience in comparing the passages below may be of interest.
In Christ,
- Douglas
The flat earth theory was taught in American schools for years along with many foreign schools. The basic idea is that in the time of Christopher Columbus, Christians believed that the earth was flat because they took a literal view of the Bible. The primary incident cited by professors is a meeting in Salamanca, Spain (1487) where a group was assigned the job of reviewing Columbus's plan to travel westward to Asia. The first and only source for this story is a history written by Ferdinand Columbus, the son of Christopher, in the 1500's.
The quick summary is that Ferdinand made no mention of a flat earth or geographical notions derived from the Bible, but plenty from classical Greek and Roman times. In the 19th century the American novel writer, Washington Irving, lived in Spain a few years and wrote a novel about Columbus (1828), but he did a Da Vinci Code style revision of the story introducing the flat earth idea and slandering the church. Later in the 19th century, the founder and president of Cornell University, Andrew Dickson White, who was also a doctor and professor of history, adapted Irving's novel instead of Ferdinand's version. Professor White gave academic respectability to the fiction, and it is from his work (1896) that American school text books derived their teachings. All three versions along with references follow:
I. History from Ferdinand Columbus: "The Life of the Admiral Christopher Columbus, by his son, Ferdinand" - available at
"... But since the affair had more to do with basic scientific doctrine than with words or favors, their Highnesses referred it to the Prior del Prado, later the Archbishop of Granada, ordering him to form a council of geographers who should study the proposal in detail and then report to them their opinion.
As there were not so many geographers then as now, the members of this committee were not so well informed as the business required. Nor did the Admiral wish to reveal all the details of his plan, fearing lest it be stolen from him in Castile as it had been in Portugal. For this reason, the replies and reports that the geographers gave their Highnesses were as varied as their grasp of the subject and their opinions. Some argued in this way: In all the thousands of years since God created the world, those lands had remained unknown to innumerable learned men and experts in navigation; and it was most unlikely that the Admiral should know more than all other men, past and present. Others, who based themselves on geography, claimed the world was so large that to reach the end of Asia, whither the Admiral wished to sail, would take more than three years. For support they cited Seneca, who in one of his books debates the question, saying that many learned men were in disagreement on the question whether the ocean was finite and doubted that it could ever be navigated; and even if it could be, they questioned whether habitable lands existed at the other end. To this they added that of this inferior sphere of land and water only a small belt or cap was inhabited, all the rest being sea that could be navigated only near the coasts and shores. And even if learned men admitted that one could reach the end of Asia, they did not say that one could go from the end of Spain to the extreme West. Others argued as some Portuguese had done about the navigation to Guinea, saying that if one were to set out and travel due west, as the Admiral proposed, one would not be able to return to Spain because the world was round. These men were absolutely certain that one who left the hemisphere known to Ptolemy would be going downhill and so could not return; for that would be like sailing a ship to the top of a mountain: a thing that ships would not do even with the aid of the strongest winds."
II. Novel from Washington Irving: "The life and voyages of Christopher Columbus" - available online. Chapter VII
"5. Several of the objections opposed by this learned body will appear glaringly absurd at the present day. Thus the very idea of antipodes, and of the globular form of the earth, was scouted on the authority of one of the ancient fathers of the church.
6. " How absurd," said he, "to believe that there are people with their feet opposite to ours ; who walk with their heels upward and their heads hanging down ; that there is a part of the world in which all things are topsy turvy ; where the trees grow with their branches down ward, and where it rains, hails, and snows upward ! The idea of the roundness of the earth," he adds, " was the cause of inventing this table ; for when philosophers have once erred, they go on in their absurdities, defending one with another."
7. These objections, which may excite a smile in the present enlightened age, were excusable at the time, considering the imperfect state of knowledge. The rotundity of the earth was as yet a mere matter of speculation ; no one could tell whether the ocean was not too vast to be traversed, nor were the laws of specific gravity and of central gravitation ascertained, by which, granting the earth to be a sphere, the possibility of making the circuit of it, and of standing on opposite sides, would be manifest.
8. But beside these and many other scientific objections, others of a graver nature were urged, partaking of the bigotry of the age, and savouring more of the cloister than the college. These went to prove that the theory under discussion was incompatible with the historical foundations of the Christian faith, and in open contradiction to certain specified passages of the Bible.
9. Columbus in the outset of the conference had been daunted by the greatness of his task, and the august nature of his auditory ; but he was sustained by what he considered a divine impulse, and he was of an ardent temperament,that became heated in action by its own generous fire. All scientific objections he cooiy combated by his own knowledge and experience, but at the scriptural objections, his visionary spirit took fire.
10. We are told of his commanding person, his elevated demeanour, his kindling eye, and the persuasive tones of his voice. How must they have given force to his words, as, casting aside his maps and charts, he met his opponents upon their religious ground, pouring forth those magnificent texts of scripture, and those mysterious predictions of the prophets, which he con sidered types and annunciations of the sublime discovery which he proposed !
11. Many of his hearers, in fact, were convinced by his reasoning, and warmed by his eloquence ; the majority, however, with the inert bigotry, and pedantic pride of cloistered life, refused to yield to the demonstrations of an obscure and unlearned foreigner, and, though the board held several subsequent conferences, it came to no decision."
III Text from Andrew Dickson White from "A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendodm. 2 Volumes" - available online.
"The warfare of Columbus [with religion] the world knows well: how the Bishop of Ceuta worsted him in Portugal; how sundry wise men of Spain confronted him with the usual quotations from Psalms, from St. Paul, and from St. Augustine; how, even after he was triumphant, and after his voyage had greatly strengthened the theory of the earth’s sphericity … the Church by its highest authority solemnly stumbled and persisted in going astray … the theological barriers to this geographical truth yielded but slowly. Plain as it had become to scholars, they hesitated to declare it to the world at large … But in 1519 science gains a crushing victory. Magellan makes his famous voyage. He proves the earth to be round, for his expedition circumnavigates it … Yet even this does not end the war. Many conscientious [religious] men oppose the doctrine for two hundred years longer."

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mission Conference Ahead

"Tychicus will tell you all the news about me. He is a dear brother, a faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord. I am sending him to you for the express purpose that you may know about our circumstances and that he may encourage your hearts." - Colossians 4:7-8

There is an upcoming Missions Conference at HOC6. One of the most exciting things we have in the church is to hear what God is doing elsewhere. As the apostle Paul says, the purpose of sending Tychicus is to report on the mission and to "encourage your hearts". Do pray for this event and make some time to check out the various things that will be happening.


Pray for the coming Annual Mission Conference in our churcher, pray for the speak Rev Chen Dao Ming, and the main coworkers Richard Lee and Li Fangfang.


We are following up with the neighbors who came with a simple postcard. And we are looking for the next step in building a bridge into our neighborhood. Please pray for guidance.
As we begin this new ministry year, we have new leaders and some new plans. Please pray for our new group leaders: Kenneth Huang, Ben Hsu and Douglas Stillman. Pray that God will give grow them and use them this year for the building of his Kingdom.
We have a Prayer Mini-Retreat on Oct 10. Please pray that people will come out to reflect on their lives and on the church ministry in prayer.


There is a lot of training going on:

Praise the Lord that the CSS teachering training classes, offered by Sharon Yen, will start in third Sunday of October. Pray that there will be active attendance and pray for the preparations by Sharon.

Mandarin congregation - 357 Training: the medium level class had completed in July, give thanks to our Lord. Graduation celebration was held on Aug. 23rd successfully, pray that God will prepare new students for the new classes to start in October 17. For adult Sunday school, there are a few new classes opening starting on 09/06, including Exodus and Essential Truth. There are good attendance.

Cantonese congregation - Pray for the 9 brothers and sisters in the Cantonese congregation who have signed up for the 357 medium level training starting on October 10. May God provide strength and time to those who are committed to this 2 year training for serving you.


In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,


Saturday, September 26, 2009

On a Journey

"There, by the Ahava Canal, I proclaimed a fast, so that we might humble ourselves before our God and ask him for a safe journey for us and our children, with all our possessions. I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to protect us from enemies on the road, because we had told the king, 'The gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to him, but his great anger is against all who forsake him.' So we fasted and petitioned out God about this, and he answered our prayer." - Ezra 8:21-23

Church may seem like a routine week after week, but when we look back to where we have been over many years, it looks much more like a journey. Hopefully people grow and mature in Christ, while those who don't know Jesus are brought in. Many new relationships are established and skills learned as we serve the Lord. There are also spiritual dangers as Satan exploits divisions and tries to bring us down, both individually and collectively. We need to pray for this journey regularly, as individuals and also joining together as a group. Pray for our upcoming mini prayer retreat as we join together to call out to the Lord. Also give thanks for a successful joint Prayer Mountain meeting of the Mandarin congregations from the various Home of Christ churches in the Bay Area.

On October 10th, we have a tentative plan for a mini prayer retreat. This will be for adults, youth and children. Pray for the planning of this. May the Lord unite us in prayer, and also give us unity of purpose and vision.


We are praying about the next step in serving and building bridges with our neighborhood. Please pray that God will inspire us and lead us in the right direction(s).

Our theme this year is "Learning to Share". Pray that we will all learn to share from our material resources, our time, our abilities, and our faith.

As we begin this new ministry year, we have new leaders and some new plans. Please pray for our new group leaders: Kenneth Huang, Ben Hsu and Douglas Stillman. Pray that God will give grow them and use them this year for the building of his Kingdom.


Please pray for Rev Mark Cheng (Also spells like Pastor Zheng, Guo), who is very sick and very weak recently. Please remember him in your constant prayers to the Lord.

The Home of Christ united prayer meeting was held on Saturday at Prayer Mountain. Praise God that all 6 HOCs sent people to join together in seeking the Lord. May this be a start to a more united vision of how we can serve the Lord together and strengthen one another.

We are considering offer kids programs during the time when Mandarin adult Sunday School is going on from about 9:45 am to 10:45 am. Pray that we will have enough coworkers to handle this new task.

Two sisters from the Cantonese congregation, Polly and Mandy Leung were once touched by God's words. Pray that the Holy Spirit will bring them back to Him.



In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Baptism Pictures- 08/30/09

Baptism- 083009

Please click the above photo album to enjoy more pictures.

Reaching Out to the Community

"During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, 'Come overr to Macedonia and help us.'" - Acts 16:9

This verse came after the Apostle Paul had been seeking many ways to advance the gospel, but the Bible says "the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to". We have been praying for a way to reach out to our community for a long time. Did God show us something this Labor Day at our community barbeque? Whether this is the method or not that God wants us to use, we will still need to wait and pray. The encouraging thing is that we were able to see a large number of people come to our church and we had the opportunity to meet and talk with many new people. May God continue to give us opportunities to meet people, build relationships and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Pray that the Lord will continue allowing us to build relationships with our community.


Praise God that we were able to meet about 150 new people this weekend at our Labor Day Block Party/BBQ. And we gave away about 15 backpacks with school supplies for children in need. Please pray that as time continues, we will get to know more people in our neighborhood and vice versa. And that as we love our neighbors, they will see the love of Christ.
Our theme this year is "Learning to Share". Pray that we will all learn to share from our material resources, our time, our abilities, and our faith.
As we begin this new year, we have new leaders and some new plans. Please pray for our new group leaders: Kenneth Huang, Ben Hsu and Douglas Stillman. Pray that God will give grow them and use them this year for the building of his Kingdom.


Prayer ministry: Continue pray for the HOC united Prayer and training center. The first united HOC prayer meeting is to be held on Sept 26th in the fasting prayer mountain at Scotts Valley. We need seek God's guidance on various preparation tasks and arrangements. Also, pray for all the brothers and sisters from all HOC homes to have the heart to attend the 09-26 mountain prayer meeting.
Pray for the coming evangelistic meeting on 09/12 in our church, the speaker is Fan Xuede, a very famous preacher from Main land China. Pray that we will have good preparations and God will send to us truth seekers.

Pray for the non-believers who have been touched by your words in the July 11 Evangelistic meeting. Pray for Polly and Molly Leung who were brought to our congregation through this meeting.

We are considering offer kids programs during the time when Mandarin adult Sunday School is going on from about 9:45 am to 10:45 am. Pray that we will have enough coworkers to handle this new task.


In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,


Labor Day Pictures- 09/07/2009

Labor Day-090709

Reaching Out to the Community

"During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, 'Come overr to Macedonia and help us.'" - Acts 16:9

This verse came after the Apostle Paul had been seeking many ways to advance the gospel, but the Bible says "the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to". We have been praying for a way to reach out to our community for a long time. Did God show us something this Labor Day at our community barbeque? Whether this is the method or not that God wants us to use, we will still need to wait and pray. The encouraging thing is that we were able to see a large number of people come to our church and we had the opportunity to meet and talk with many new people. May God continue to give us opportunities to meet people, build relationships and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our theme this year is "Learning to Share". Pray that we will all learn to share from our material resources, our time, our abilities, and our faith.
As we begin this new year, we have new leaders and some new plans. Please pray for our new group leaders: Kenneth Huang, Ben Hsu and Douglas Stillman. Pray that God will give grow them and use them this year for the building of his Kingdom.


Prayer ministry: Continue pray for the HOC united Prayer and training center. The first united HOC prayer meeting is to be held on Sept 26th in the fasting prayer mountain at Scotts Valley. We need seek God's guidance on various preparation tasks and arrangements. Also, pray for all the brothers and sisters from all HOC homes to have the heart to attend the 09-26 mountain prayer meeting.
Pray for the coming evangelistic meeting on 09/12 in our church, the speaker is Fan Xuede, a very famous preacher from Main land China. Pray that we will have good preparations and God will send to us truth seekers.

Pray for the non-believers who have been touched by your words in the July 11 Evangelistic meeting. Pray for Polly and Molly Leung who were brought to our congregation through this meeting.

We are considering offer kids programs during the time when Mandarin adult Sunday School is going on from about 9:45 am to 10:45 am. Pray that we will have enough coworkers to handle this new task.


In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,


Friday, August 7, 2009

Retreat Weekend


Pray for the all HOC retreat this weekend. HOC6 and HOC4 are sharing the burden of organizing it this year. May it be a time of refreshing, learning, and refocusing lives on Christ. HOC6 will also be in charge of the children's program during the retreat. We have invited Child Evangelism teachers to lead our kids programs for three classes. CEF will be working together with the HOC helpers. Pray to the Lord that we will have a wonderful kids program.


Praise God that our Mexico & Taiwan Mission Team had an enriching time abroad. Please pray that God will continue to confirm the things they've learned. Please continue to pray for the prople and churches that we worked with in both Tijuana & Taiwan.

We have about 6 people who are preparing to get baptized. Please pray for them as they learn and prepare.

Our leadership is getting ready to plan for the next Ministry Year (follows the school year calendar). Please pray for humility before God and guidance by the Spirit.


Mary Tong, who is helping us resolve a tax exemption issue on our new building has a prayer request. Her mother, C.Y. Lee, has a weak heart and they've discovered some water in her lungs. They don't know what this means yet, but please pray for healing and for a good recovery.

Prayer ministry: Give thanks to the Lord for the establishment of the HOC united Prayer and training center. The first united HOC prayer meeting is to be held on Sept 26th in prayer mountain of Scotts Valley, sponsored by HOC6. We had a great planning a preparation meeting on 06/27. We have sent out a flyer to each home to promote the event.

Praise the Lord. Our July 11 opera evangelistic meeting has brought in over 60 newcomers to our church. Two of them have been attending our Sunday service and fellowship meeting. May God touch the hearts of those non-believers who are brought to us by your mercy.



In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,


Monday, August 3, 2009

Prayers of the Spirit

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will." - Romans 8:26-27

This is part of a wonderful paradox. God want's us to pray to Him, and commands us to pray both individually and as groups. Yet at the same time, our human wisdom is woefully limited nor do we see God's plan unfolding before us. How can we pray? At the same time, the Holy Spirit is praying for us too, but with the wisdom of God that is inexpressible in words. Our weaknesses are made up for by the power of the Spirit, but at the same time there is a vital role in our involvement in prayer. May we never tire of praying together, even when we feel our words are inadequate.

Please pray for Ruby & Owen and their newest baby, Joseph. Pray for good health and recovery.
Praise God, Denise Lee will be interning with us over the summer starting on July 6 - Sep. 11. Please pray that God will lead her as she serves the church and community, learns new things, and grows in her faith as a servant of God.
Our leadership is getting ready to plan for the next Ministry Year (follows the school year calendar). Please pray for humility before God and guidance by the Spirit.
Please pray for the Mexico mission team. They are leaving in 2 weeks. Pray that they will raise all their support and complete their last minute preparations.
Please pray for the Taiwan mission team. They are leaving in 3 weeks. Pray that they will commplete the planning for the english camps and be ready to share their testimonies and the Gospel.

Praise the Lord. We have sold 150 tickets for the July 11 Cantonese Chinese Opera evangelistic event. We still need much help in preparing this event. May God continue to provide.
Pray for the united HOC retreat in August; pray that HOC6 and HOC4 will share the burden of organizing the retreat successfully.

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

End Of The School Year

"Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right." - Proverbs 20:11

It is now the end of the school year. With everything finishing up, change is everywhere as kids come and go either returning from school or heading off to a summer project. The ambition, hopes, and plans of both children and adults will be rearranged as this annual event comes upon us.

The above verse is a good reminder that how we behave will be noted and remembered. Let us all consider our actions, whether they are "pure and right", so that God may be glorified.


Pray for all who are just finishing a school year, or our finishing up with high school / college and moving on. May God grant us directions that are pleasing to Him as we seek out new career paths and explore the world around us.


Please pray for Rube & Owen and their newest baby, Joseph. Pray for good health and recovery.

Pray for the second planned training for our kids Sunday school teachers. Thanks to brother Sidney from HOC3, who has agreed to come to HOC6 to provide the second training for us in September.

Pray for the YUGO team heading off to Mexico. Pray for team unity, since this is a team from two churches and all youth. Please also pray as they have many things to prepare for the ministries they have in Mexico.

Please pray for the Taiwan mission team. Please pray for their preparation of the VBS curriculum, which is proving to be a daunting task. Please also pray for team unity since there are members from all three congregations plus members from HOC3.


Pray for the preparation for the July 11th Cantonese Chinese Opera evangelistic meeting. Pray for the efforts from the brothers and sisters in San Leandro Bible Church for this event.

Pray for the HOC united retreat in August; pray that HOC6 and HOC4 will share the burden of organizing the retreat.

Prayer ministry: Give thanks to the Lord for the establishment of the HOC united Prayer and training center. The first united HOC prayer meeting is to be held on Sept 26th at Prayer Mountain in Scotts Valley, sponsored by HOC6.



In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
